1·Objective: To study on the pharmacological differences of super-slender powder and coarse powder of Lingyangjiao. Methods:Experiments of analgesic and relieve fever.
前言: 目的:对比羚羊角超细粉体与粗粉的作用差别。
2·Results in these patients, including antibiotic, 19 cases (39.6%), the first place. Next, is relieve fever and pain, 11 cases (22.9%), and the traditional Chinese medicine 10 cases (20.8%).
3·TT advocates say these manipulations can help heal wounds, relieve pain and reduce fever.
TT 的倡导者说,这些手法可以帮助愈合伤口,减轻疼痛,减少发烧。
4·Acupuncture can relieve daily symptoms such as allergic rhinitis (including hay fever), headaches, rheumatoid arthritis and sciatica.
针灸可以减轻日常的小症状,如过敏性鼻炎(包括干草热hay fever)、头痛、类风湿关节炎以及坐骨神经痛。
5·We see excessive dosing commonly during cold and flu season, as many of the common cold and flu remedies include aspirin and other Nsaids to relieve pain and fever.
6·Painkillers are generally prescribed to relieve pain and reduce fever.
7·This will relieve the heat of the fever.
8·Used to relieve moderate pain, fever.
9·Working without contraindications or side effects, Hyland's Cold Sores and Fever Blisters stimulates your body's natural healing response to relieve symptoms.
10·There are numerous medicines that can be used to relieve the symptoms of hay fever.